Phonics and Reading
From Nursery to Year 2 children follow the SoundsWrite phonics programme. It aims to build children's speaking and listening skills in their own right as well as to prepare children for learning to read by developing their phonic knowledge and skills.
From years 2 to 6 we follow the Babcock No Nonsense Spelling programme where children learn spelling rules and patterns and are encouraged to apply these in all areas of learning.
For reading we have a wide variety of texts available to the staff and children. Within the class we use a variety of Guided Reading resources from Rigby Star and Reading Explorers, but often also use other publishers so the children are exposed to a greater breadth of texts. All of the children have individual reading books that are colour banded, according to challenge and interest with most of the books being from the Collins Big Cat reading scheme. As well as this every class has regular time in the school library, where the children can choose from a range of text types and levels to encourage reading for pleasure.
At Lakeview, we are collating a box of topic books to supplement learning within the PKC as part of our strategy to develop reading for purpose.