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Children and adults are at the heart of our school; our school is at the heart of our community.

Year 5 - Welcome

Teaching Staff

Welcome to Year 5. The Year 5 Teachers are Mrs Golder (Hawks) and Miss Stafford (Eagles).


As the children start Year 5, they will be given school planners, which will contain their homework and any other important information we wish to share with you. Please ensure this is signed by yourself on a weekly basis and is brought into school daily. This will help the children to develop their independence skills and build their sense of responsibility. Children should also bring their personal reading book into school every day. They will have the opportunity to select books from their classrooms, the Year 5 and 6 library and the main school library.

Each child will be allocated a storage space for their bags, as well as a peg for their coats. The allocated space will be 30cmx30cmx35cm, so please ensure that bags are of a suitable size.


Children have one break time in the morning. During this break they are welcome to bring in a healthy snack. Due to a number of children with severe nut allergies, we would really appreciate your co-operation with keeping our school ‘nut free’. Children can choose to play on the Trim Trail or the Year 5 and 6 playground. If the weather is suitable, the children will also have the opportunity to use the field at lunchtime.


English and Maths will be taught daily in their class groups. Children in Year 6 will also have a weekly Grammar focus which will link to their English lessons. More than this, children will also have 2 Science, Theme and PE lessons as well as French, Music, RE, PSHE and Computing throughout the week.

The School Day

The Key Stage Two gates open at 8.30am. Gates will be closed at 8:40am in readiness for learning to begin. Once the gate is closed, entrance will be via the school office where you will be required to sign your child in. Children are welcome to bring a mobile phone into school with them, however this must be handed into the school office at the start of the school day.


The children will have two sessions of PE per week and will therefore need their PE kit in school at all times. All children will have the opportunity to represent the school at a tournament at some point throughout the year. Please ensure that the PE kit, as with all uniform, is named or labelled and washed regularly. Towards the end of the year, Year 5 also have the opportunity to attend the West Bedfordshire sports festival.

Home Challenges

Home Challenges will be sent home on a Friday. These will include an English and Maths challenge, linked to the learning of that week. All homework will be due in on a Wednesday. More than this, all children are also encouraged to participate in creative home challenges linked to their Theme lessons.

How you can help at home?

  • Please ensure that the ‘Collect your child from school’ and ‘Walking home’ consent forms are up to date. Additional copies of this form are held in the main office.
  • Continue to practise spellings at home. Children will be tested weekly.
  • Keep reading with your children and talking about the text. This will help their reading speed, understanding and their writing ability.
  • Practise written and mental methods of calculation to maintain speed and accuracy.
  • Support your child with their weekly homework. This will be handed out on a Friday and due in on the following Wednesday.